Publicações de artigos em periódicos especializados
23. CARDOSO DE PAULA, SAMUEL FILIPE ; ROSSET, ISAC GEORGE ; MELEIRO PORTO, ANDRÉ LUIZ . Hydroxylated steroids IN C-7 and C-15 positions from progesterone BIO-OXIDATION by the marine-derived fungus Penicillium oxalicum CBMAI 1996. BIOCATALYSIS AND AGRICULTURAL BIOTECHNOLOGY, v. 37, p. 102167, 2021.
22. RÓDIO, G. R.; ROSSET, I. G.; BRANDALIZE, A. P. C. Exposição a agrotóxicos e suas consequências para a saúde humana. Research, Society and Development, v. 10, n. 8, 2021.
21. BARBOZA, A. ; CHIAVEGATTI NETO, A. ; ROSSET, I. G. ; JARDIM, G. ; FERREIRA, M. A. B. . Synthesis of 3-Carbonyl Trisubstituted Furans via Pd-Catalyzed Aerobic Cycloisomerization Reaction: Development and Mechanistic Studies. JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, v. 87, p. 1, 2021.
20. COIMBRA-ARAUJO, C. ; SPECK, R. ; FERREIRA, G. ; BARTELMEBS, R. ; BERTICELLI, D. ; SANTOS, G. ; SCHREINER, M. ; MONTE-ALTO, H. ; TONEZER, C. ; ROSSET, I. G. ; BERGOLD, A. . A pesquisa em ensino de CTEM e sua interação com aspectos da educação não formal e espaços não formais. CADERNO BRASILEIRO DE ENSINO DE FÍSICA, v. 37, p. 315-331, 2020.
19. FERREIRA, P. J. ; ZONETTI, P. C. ; ALBRECHT, A. J. P. ; ROSSET, I. G. ; SILVA, A. F. M. ; ALBRECHT, L. P. ; VIEIRA, A. H. ; PAULERT, R. Conyza sumatrensis allelopathy effect on Bidens pilosa (Asteraceae) seed germination. Botanical Sciences, v. 98, p. 01-19, 2020.
18. MOREIRA, H. T. ; GRANGE, L. ; ROSSET, I. G. ; MISSIO, R. F. . Identification and Quantification of Wheat Roots Flavonoids Inoculated With Native Rhizobacteria. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, v. 8, p. 350-356, 2020.
17. ROSSET, I. G.; ANTONIO, D. C. ; AMANCIO, L. P. . Biocatalytic Ethanolysis of Waste Chicken Fat for Biodiesel Production. CATALYSIS LETTERS, v. 148, p. 3214-3222, 2018.
16. COIMBRA-ARAUJO, C. ; BERGOLD, A. ; BERTICELLI, D. ; SANTOS, G. ; SCHREINER, M. ; MONTE-ALTO, H. ; SPECK, R. ; FERREIRA, G. ; TONEZER, C. ; ROSSET, I. G. ; BARTELMEBS, R. Ações de divulgação e popularização das Ciências Exatas via ambientes virtuais e espaços não formais de educação. CADERNO BRASILEIRO DE ENSINO DE FÍSICA, v. 34, p. 649-668, 2017.
15. PAULERT, R. ; ZONETTI, P. ; ROSSET, I. G. . Aristolochia não é planta medicinal de uso interno: uma revisão. Rev. Bras. Pl. Med., v. 19, p. 415-424, 2017.
14. KAWAMURA, M. ; TALERO, A. ; SANTIAGO, J. ; GARAMBEL-VILCA, E. ; ROSSET, I. G. ; BURTOLOSO, ANTONIO C. B. . Six-Step Syntheses of (-)-1-deoxyaltronojirimycin and (+)-1-deoxymannonojirimycin from N-Z-O-TBDPS-L-serinal. Journal of Organic Chemistry, v. 81, p. 10569-10575, 2016.
13. FERREIRA, IRLON M. ; DE S. GANZELI, LUISA ; ROSSET, ISAC G. ; YOSHIOKA, SÉRGIO A. ; PORTO, ANDRÉ L. M. . Ethylic Biodiesel Production Using Lipase Immobilized in Silk Fibroin-Alginate Spheres by Encapsulation. Catalysis Letters, v. 147, p. 269-280, 2016.
12. FERREIRA, IRLON M. ; MEIRA, ELOÁ B. ; ROSSET, ISAC G. ; Porto, André L.M. . Chemoselective biohydrogenation of α,β- and α,β,γ,δ-unsaturated ketones by the marine-derived fungus Penicillium citrinum CBMAI 1186 in a biphasic system. Journal of Molecular Catalysis. B, Enzymatic (Print), v. 115, p. 59-65, 2015.
11. ROSSET, I. G.; PORTO, A. L. M. . Catálise Enzimática: Transesterificação do Óleo de Soja e Esterificação do Ácido Oleico via Lipases. Revista Brasileira de Energias Renováveis, v. 4, p. 64-78, 2015.
10. ROSSET, ISAC G.; DIAS, RAFAEL M. P. ; PINHO, VAGNER D. ; BURTOLOSO, ANTONIO CARLOS BENDER . A Three-Step Synthesis of (+/-)-Preussin from Decanal. Journal of Organic Chemistry, v. 79, p. 6748-6753, 2014.
9. G. ROSSET, ISAC; M. ASSAF, ELISABETE ; L. M. PORTO, ANDRE . Biocatalytic Production of Ethyl Esters (Biodiesel) by Enzymatic Transesterification from Synthetic Triolein. Current Catalysis, v. 2, p. 53-61, 2013.
8. ROCHA, L. C. ; ROSSET, I. G. ; MELGAR, G. Z. ; RAMINELLI, C. ; PORTO, A. L. M. ; Jeller, A. H. . Chemoenzymatic Resolution of β-Azidophenylethanols by Candida antarctica and their Application for the Synthesis of Chiral Benzotriazoles. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (Impresso), v. 24, p. 1427-1432, 2013.
7. ROSSET, I. G.; TAVARES, M. C. H. ; Assaf, Elisabete M. ; PORTO, A. L. M. . Enzymatic Esterification of Oleic Acid with Aliphatic Alcohols for the Biodiesel Production by Candida antarctica Lipase. Catalysis Letters, v. 143, p. 863-872, 2013.
6. ROSSET, ISAC G.; BURTOLOSO, ANTONIO CARLOS BENDER . Preparation of Z-alpha,beta-Unsaturated Diazoketones from Aldehydes. Application in the Construction of Substituted Dihydropyridin-3-one.. Journal of Organic Chemistry, v. 78, p. 9464-9470, 2013.
5. SGOBBI, L. F. ; RAZZINO, C. A. ; ROSSET, I. G. ; BURTOLOSO, A. C. B. ; MACHADO, S. A. S. . Electrochemistry and UV-vis spectroscopy of synthetic thiocholine: Revisiting the electro-oxidation mechanism. Electrochimica Acta, v. 112, p. 500-504, 2013.
4. BURTOLOSO, ANTONIO ; BERTONHA, ARIANE ; ROSSET, ISAC . Synthesis of Alkaloids: Recent Advances in the Synthesis of Phenanthroindolizidine Alkaloids. CURRENT TOPICS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, v. 14, p. 191-199, 2013.
3. Rocha, Lenilson C. ; Luiz, Rodrigo F. ; ROSSET, I. G. ; Raminelli, Cristiano ; Seleghim, Mirna H. R. ; Sette, Lara Durães ; Porto, André L. M. . Bioconversion of Iodoacetophenones by Marine Fungi. Marine Biotechnology (Print), v. 14, p. 396-401, 2012.
2. ROSSET, I. G.; Tavares, Maria Cecília H. ; Assaf, Elisabete M. ; Porto, André Luiz M. . Catalytic ethanolysis of soybean oil with immobilized lipase from Candida antarctica and 1H NMR and GC quantification of the ethyl esters (biodiesel) produced. Applied Catalysis. A, General (Print), v. 392, p. 136-142, 2011.
1. Rocha, Lenilson C. ; ROSSET, I. G. ; Luiz, Rodrigo F. ; Raminelli, Cristiano ; Porto, André L.M. . Kinetic resolution of iodophenylethanols by Candida antarctica lipase and their application for the synthesis of chiral biphenyl compounds. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry (Print), v. 21, p. 926-929, 2010.